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Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions
ï‚· Company means: Oz Interior by Design Pty Ltd.
ï‚· Contract means: Agreement between the Company and the Customer to provide the
Customer with goods/services under the terms and conditions listed herein.
ï‚· Customer means: The owner of the business or vehicle, or an authorized representative of
that owner capable of entering into a contract on behalf of the owner.
ï‚· Goods means: The goods/services agreed to be supplied by the Company and purchased by
the Customer pursuant to the agreement.
ï‚· GST means: Goods and services tax collected pursuant to the Goods and Services Tax Act
1999 (Cth).
ï‚· Vehicle means: The motor vehicle provided by the Customer for the purpose of conversion
or service by the Company.
ï‚· Work means: All services, installations, and modifications performed by the Company.

2. Quotation
2.1 Any quotation given by the Company to the Customer will remain valid for a period of 30 days
from the date when the quotation was given, or such other period as nominated by the Company in
the quotation. Thereafter, the quotation will lapse.
2.2 Any changes to the scope of work after acceptance of the quotation may incur additional
charges, which will be communicated to the Customer for approval before proceeding.

3. Orders
3.1 A cooling-off period of 3 days applies after the signing of the contract. Please note, no work will
be conducted before that period unless a waiver has been signed by the Customer.
3.2 The process of conversion may not be reversible, especially where motorhomes require cutting
sections of the vehicle body to accommodate features such as electrical, plumbing, and ventilation
units. Any reversal will incur additional charges and must be requested within a specified time
3.3 The deposit will be forfeited in the event of a ‘change of mind’ after the cooling-off period or
upon waiving this cooling-off period.
3.4 All service contracts must be signed by the Customer, indicating acceptance of the design. A copy
of the Contract and layout plans with the scope of works will be provided to the Customer upon the
lapse of the cooling-off period or if the cooling-off period has been waived. No amendments to the
design will be accepted once the final draft has been agreed to.
3.5 The Customer consents to any necessary modifications to the Vehicle, including but not limited
to cutting through panels for the installation of electrical, plumbing, and ventilation units. These
modifications are essential to optimize the functionality of the Vehicle and its peripherals.

4. Leaving the Vehicle with the Company

4.1 A deposit of 30% of the proposed balance must be paid before any work is conducted.
4.2 Along with the Customer, a representative from the Company will inspect the Vehicle and record
any damage, anomalies, and imperfections. The Customer is required to acknowledge the document
with a signature. A copy of the signed document will be provided to the Customer.
4.3 A progress report will be emailed to the Customer with photos approximately halfway through
the build. Due to OHS, no visitation is allowed while the Vehicle is under construction within our
4.4 The Customer agrees not to visit the premises during the construction phase. If a visit is required,
the Customer acknowledges that it is at their own risk and waives any claims against the Company
for injury or damages sustained during such visits.

5. Discharging the Vehicle back to the Customer
5.1 The remaining balance must be paid in full before the Vehicle is discharged. This can be at the
time of pick-up or before that date.
5.2 The Company will inform the Customer of the pick-up date and will keep the Vehicle for an extra
week after that date. The Customer accepts that any Vehicle left beyond this period will incur
further storage charges.
5.2.1 If the Customer fails to collect the Vehicle within 90 days after the pick-up date, the Company
reserves the right to dispose of the Vehicle in a manner permitted by NSW law, with any proceeds
used to cover outstanding balances.
5.3 The Customer agrees to inspect the interior and exterior of the Vehicle and sign a discharge form
indicating that the Vehicle was received in good condition. This discharge does not waive the
Customer's rights under applicable consumer protection laws.
5.4 If the Customer supplied or fitted equipment/appliances themselves, warranty issues revert to
the manufacturer of those items according to the manufacturer’s terms and conditions.
5.5 Without limiting any other provision of the agreement, failure by the Customer to pay any
instalment or any other amount when due will entitle the Company to withhold the products or
Vehicle until the balance due is fully paid.

6. Unclaimed Finished Projects
6.1 The Company will retain the Vehicle for a period of 3 months. At any stage within this time
frame, the Customer accepts and agrees to pay the outstanding balance and any storage or handling
fees incurred before claiming the Vehicle.
6.2 The Company reserves the right to recover any outstanding balance and applicable fees,
including through legal means, in accordance with the laws of NSW.

7. Limitation of Liability for Goods
7.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, all conditions and warranties expressed or implied by
statutes, common law, equity, trade, custom, usage, or otherwise in respect of the Goods are
expressly excluded.

7.2 For equipment forming part of the Goods that is not manufactured by the Company, the original
manufacturer’s warranty will apply. The Company’s liability for such equipment shall not exceed the
liability of the manufacturer.
7.3 In respect of Goods that are not ordinarily acquired for personal or domestic use or
consumption, the liability of the Company for a breach of any condition or warranty implied by law is
limited at the Company’s option to repair the Goods or supply replacement Goods.
7.4 The Company’s liability under the agreement will be reduced by the amount of any contributory
loss or damage to the extent caused by the Customer’s act or omission.
7.5 The Customer acknowledges and agrees that, to the extent permitted by law, the Company has
no liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), by statute or
otherwise for loss or damage (whether direct or indirect) of profits, opportunity, revenue, goodwill,
bargain, contract, business, anticipated savings, or any other special, incidental, or consequential
loss or damage whatsoever.
7.6 The Company’s total liability under any contract and the agreement, whether for direct or
indirect damages, shall not exceed the total dollar amount of the Goods purchased by the Customer
under each contract.

8. Additional Clauses
8.1 Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of New South Wales, Australia.
8.2 Dispute Resolution: In the event of any dispute arising under this agreement, the parties agree
to first attempt to resolve the dispute through mediation. If the dispute is not resolved through
mediation, either party may proceed to litigation.
8.3 Severability: If any provision of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the
remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
8.4 Amendments and Modifications: Any amendments or modifications to this agreement must be
in writing and signed by both parties.

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